We’re excited that you want to design your own Premium DUI Drysuit!

Please use this easy interactive process to visualize and design your custom drysuit with the various options available.

Overlay Style:
Overlay Color:
Piping Color:
Stripe Front:
Stripe Back:
Knee Overlay Color:
Foot Style:
Thread Color:

Estimated Total: $

Now that you have your drysuit designed, your next step is to contact your local DUI dealer to get measured! Then go over the detailed options for your drysuit. Follow this link for a list of DUI dealers in your area!

Find Your Local DUI Dealer

Estimated price based on base option pricing. DUI option packages discounts are available by contacting your local DUI Drysuit Dealer.
Images are representation of what the drysuit will look like. DUI takes no responsisibity for pattern or color variations due to user display variation. Your seleted options will automatically load. Load times will vary depeding on the speed of your internet connection.

More drysuit models and accessory options will be coming soon. Please check back as updates will be added as we finish each module.
Here’s your Drysuit: